QUARANTINE click on this title to review the clip
We researched on a few clips and Quarantine had gave us ideas of how to end our opening sequence. The clip revealed the main character screaming and being dragged across the floor, this had caught our attention because it left the ending as a cliffhanger leaving the audience wanting more. This is how we want our audience to react.

Also, the use of night vision we thought created dramatic effect of thriller and relates to the definition of the title 'Envy.' This is because the connotations of the title links to jealousy and the colour green associates with this very well, consequently, night vision would be appropiate for our opening sequence.
FLASHFORWARD click of this title to review the clip
We looked at this clip of Flashforward that helped us to come up with flashbacks in our opening sequence by the title of the programme, for the audience to understand the storyline of our film Envy or make the audience guess what the film could be about.
The flashforwards in this clip creates good effect of creating the shots unclear and the flash lights which creates more focus for the audience in order for them to see and understand what's happening.
We looked at this clip of Flashforward that helped us to come up with flashbacks in our opening sequence by the title of the programme, for the audience to understand the storyline of our film Envy or make the audience guess what the film could be about.
The flashforwards in this clip creates good effect of creating the shots unclear and the flash lights which creates more focus for the audience in order for them to see and understand what's happening.

Krina Gohil
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